Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Armor of God

Ephesians 6:10-18 (KJV) Tells us to be strong in the Lord, and to put on the whole armor of God so that we may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil, and the evil in the world. It tells us to be armed with the truth of God's Word, the breastplate of righteousness (live a Godly life obeying the truth of God's Word), the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the helmet (certainty) of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. This scripture also reminds us to pray always.

When we wake up each morning and prepare to face the day, we need to start out by praying and putting on the armor of God. The world is filled with traps and avenues that Satan can use to knock us off course, when we are living Godly lives. As witnesses for the Lord we must be conscious of the fact that Satan and his little foot soldiers are among us, and would love nothing better than to see us fall.

People are one avenue that Satan can use to throw us off course, if we are caught without our armor. It could be a nagging boss who says something negative to you the moment you arrive at work each morning. It could be a complete stranger who pulls out in front of you and then gives you a rude hand gesture as though you were at fault. It could be a neighbor that complains about something on a daily basis. It could be a salesperson in the mall, it could be anyone, anywhere, at anytime. When we have a difficult encounter with another individual and allow it to have a negative affect on our mood and our attitude for the remainder of the day or if we respond to them in an ungodly manner then we are allowing Satan to win the battle, and he loves a victory. Whenever you encounter people that are difficult, utilize your God given armor, and press on.

Finances, and the state of the economy are other areas where Satan may try to wreak havoc, and attempt to steer us away from God.  Don't fall for it. You are armed with faith, stay strong. You may be in a situation where you lost your job, you can't afford to pay your bills, you are barely getting by, you can't afford gas for your vehicle, and you see no way out. This is a test of faith. Don't be one of those individuals who begins spewing negativity such as, I'll never find a job, where is God in all this if he loves me, I've been living right and look what it got me. If thoughts like this begin entering your mind and exiting your mouth, stop yourself immediately. It is easy to have faith, when things are going well. It is situations like this that are true tests of our faith. Stay focused, and pass the test. Do your part and God will do His. Don't give Satan the victory.

Satan can wreak havoc on your spiritual life in small ways also. For instance, he can spend the day having you drop everything you pick up, and knocking over everything you bump into. When you have a day that begins like that, don't wait until you drop the next thing or spill something, tell Satan right then to back up off of you, tell him you're wearing God's armor, and that you refuse to allow him to steal your peace, joy, and contentment. Tell him you are going to continue down the path of righteousness that God has directed you down, and that he is wasting his time. Praise God and rebuke Satan.

When we are faced with difficulties, aggravations, trials and temptations, it is not the time to take off our armor. Quite the contrary, it is in these times that we need it the most. Our reaction to the issues that we face, from small to large, can serve as a great testimony, and witness to those around us. God provided us with armor so we can go against Satan and the wiles of this world and be victorious. Don't waste another second doing battle on your own, suit up!!!

If you have a prayer request and would like me to prayer for you, just leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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