Sunday, July 29, 2012


Genesis chapter one (KJV) tells us that God created all things. In verses 1-5 He creates darkness and light, and calls them day and night. This He does on the first day. In verses 6-8, on the second day, He creates a firmament that divides the waters under it from the waters above it, and He calls the firmament Heaven. On the third day verses 9-13 tell us that God made dry land appear and called it earth, and He gathered the waters together, and called them seas. This portion of scripture goes on to tell us that He created the grass, herb yielding seed, and fruit trees also. On the fourth day verses 14-19 tell us that God made two great lights to light upon the earth. The greater light He created to rule the day, and the lesser to rule the night, and He created the stars also.Verses 20-23 tell us that on the fifth day God created all creatures in the sea, and He created the fowls of the air. On the sixth day verses 24-31  tell us that God created all beasts and creatures that creep upon the earth, and He created man.

There are a few theories on how exactly everything in existence came to be. Some say there was a Big Bang, and then low and behold there everything was in all its complexity, and beauty. I have to wonder how anyone could truly believe this theory whole heartily, because I have yet  to see aftermath from a big bang result in anything constructive. In fact, I've only seen big bangs result in destruction, and ruin.

Then there are some who believe that a couple of  men sat around and thought up each individual thing such as a tree for instance, and as they had the idea for each thing it appeared. Let me  just say that I have thought about quite a few things in my life, none of which suddenly appeared. Imagine sitting around, and coming up with a complicated design like that of  a tree, and it suddenly appearing. Okay wow, and I must add that this theory leaves me wondering where the two men came from?

There are also those who believe everything was formed from a cell which somehow miraculously appeared on its own. Apparently in their opinion everything else developed, and evolved from that one cell. Again wow, all I can say is that would have to be one amazing and powerful cell. If I bought this theory, I would have to believe that I have distant relatives in the plant and animal kingdom.

It is hard for me to imagine anyone not recognizing the fact that only almighty God could be responsible for creation. Consider the design, function, and purpose of everything in the world.  Ask yourself why the ocean stops at the shore line and what power it is that keeps such an abundance of water from consuming all the land. Think about the design and function of the sun, moon, and stars. The design, function, and purpose of each individual thing that was created and their individual parts is nothing short of amazing. The perfect timing for so many things created is also amazing. For example, human beings, child development and birth,  night and day, the seasons of the year, animals hibernating, plants growing, trees shedding their leaves, and the list goes on and on.

Anyone who takes the time to think about just one part of creation, and consider its detail, design, function, and purpose would be forced to admit it's complicated. In fact, creation is so complicated, so perfect in timing, in purpose, in function, and in design that only God who is all knowing, and all powerful could be the creator of such divine design.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.


  1. So true! Please pray for joeys mother. She is still in bad health. The stroke has taken everything from her. But she is so strong! Thanks jan

  2. Jan,
    Thank you, and I am sorry to hear about Joey's Mother. I will contine to pray for her, and the entire family.
