Wednesday, August 1, 2012


In Nehemiah Chapter 4:1-3 (KJV) Sanballat and Tobiah are ridiculing Nehemiah, and the other men who were planning to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. At that time, Jerusalem was in a state of destruction. See Nehemiah 1:3 (KJV). In 4:6-8 Nehemiah and the men begin rebuilding the wall, and when they are halfway finished they are subjected to more ridicule by Sanballat, Tobiah, and many others who were attempting to discourage the builders, and cause them to cease building the wall. In 4:10-13 we see that the builders did in fact begin to be discouraged by all of the ridicule that surrounded them. They became tired and frustrated in verse 10 saying things like there is so much rubbish we can't finish building the wall. They were halfway finished, and suddenly all the debris around the wall was a problem. Their change in attitude came from being exhausted, and from the discouraging words of others. Even the people of Jerusalem became afraid, and began to discourage them by inciting fear, and we see this in verses 11 and 12 when they inform the builders that their adversaries are going to come up against them and slay them. Nehemiah responded to all of the ridicule, and attempts at discouragement by praying, and he does so many times. In the end Nehemiah, and the builders prevailed because they had God on their side, and they turned to him in prayer, and pressed forward in lieu of giving up. Nehemiah 6:15 Says "So the wall was  finished in the twenty and fifth day of the month Elul, in fifty and two days."

Today's world is full of people who constantly ridicule and discourage others. Discouragement can come from people, exhaustion, frustration, fear, and many other avenues. In the case of Nehemiah and the other builders it came in multiple forms. Anytime we set out to do a good work we can bank on the fact that Satan will also be around attempting to sabotage our mission, and using any means possible to do so. The thing to remember is that God is  with us, and he will work through us, accomplishing anything he desires to accomplish.            

It would seem that when we set out to do a good work, we would be flooded with love, support, and encouragement from those around us, but that is rarely the case. We may be able to count on a few people backing us, but we can also rest assured that there will be those who come against us. There will be those who attempt to make you doubt yourself, and your ability. There will be those who attempt to make you afraid to step out in faith, and carry out your good work. There will also be people who let you know they don't think you should set out on your venture by being completely silent on the topic. Silence speaks volumes, and it can be very discouraging and hurtful. My point is that when you set out to do a good work you need to be prepared for people to come against you.

If God has put a good work on your heart, then I encourage you to carry it out. If he has called you to do something, pray about it, step out in faith, and do it. In the process, don't allow yourself to get so tired and frustrated that you become weary like Nehemiah and the builders did because that will make you vulnerable to the ridicule and discouragement people will attempt to rain down on you. There is strength in rest, and you'll need strength to persevere.

There are many reasons some people choose to discourage and ridicule those attempting to step out in faith, and do a good work. A couple of reasons that come to mind are jealousy, and envy. Some people who are afraid to step out in faith themselves are jealous, and envious of those who choose to do so. The jealousy and envy are manifested in the form of ridicule and discouragement. Don't let these people get to you. There are those who attempt to incite fear by questioning you. They will inundate you with what ifs. Don't let these people get to you either. Then there will be those who attempt to make you doubt yourself. Don't do it. Stay strong. Then, of course there are those who will remain silent letting you know they don't approve of anything you're doing, and that they don't believe God has called you to do it. Somehow these individuals seem to think they are privy to inside information regarding personal conversations you've had with God. I find it a shame that so many people struggle when it comes to encouraging others for good. Do not entertain any form of discouragement. Forge ahead knowing that you don't need one ounce of approval from people because you have God's.

If God has called you to do something, or if you haven't been walking the path that God intended for you to walk, but it's been on your heart to walk it, then I want to encourage you to do so. Pray, step out in faith, and do it. Don't allow those who ridicule, and attempt to discourage you to hold you back, or cause you to give up. I have experienced the entire gamut of discouraging techniques used by these type people, believe me, but I will not be discouraged. Respond to these people and their comments by praying, as Nehemiah did. Notice he didn't choose to organize against them, preach against them or create propaganda, but instead he prayed often. I will continue to pray, trust God, and follow him as he leads, guides, and directs my path. I will continue to walk in love and encourage others in Christ, and I pray you  will opt to do the same. Remember to listen to God, and not those who ridicule, and discourage you. If you grow weary rest, but don't give up. Despite the negativity and condemnation from others forge ahead, and build that wall.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you leave me a message, and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.


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