Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Apostle Paul

 Philippians 1:7 (KJV) Says "Even as it is meet for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart; inasmuch as both in my bonds, and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, ye are all partakers of my grace."

Note that in the above scripture Paul mentions that he is in bonds. Paul wrote Philippians along with Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon while in prison.

In Philippians, Paul writes to thank believers in the city of Philippi for gifts they had sent him, and to tell them not to worry about his prison conditions. Paul was told by the church members who delivered his gifts that there was discord among their congregation, and so in his writing Paul urges them to live in Christian harmony. He also cautions them about their enemies, and generally encourages them in the Lord. Paul prays that the Philippians love with knowledge and discernment. He states that his circumstances are ordered for the progress of the gospel, and that his imprisonment has resulted in the gospel being spread. He urges them to maintain Godly behavior and an effective ministry for the benefit of the gospel. He reminds them that their behavior serves as a testimony to the unbelievers and that it is a means of ministering to them.

The overall theme of the book of Philippians is joy. Paul writes that there is joy in suffering, for through it God accomplishes good (1:12-14). There is joy in the sacrificial giving of oneself (2:17-18) and of one's goods (4:18) to meet the needs of others and to do God's will, thereby following the example set by Jesus. (2:4-11). There is joy in knowing Christ and experiencing His resurrection power (3:8-10). There is joy when harmony prevails among the brethren (2:4, 4:2-5). And there is joy over the adequacy of Christ (4:13, 19) which produces contentment for every circumstance of life.

Paul has to be one of the most unselfish and dedicated people we can read about in the Bible. He was beaten, stoned, shipwrecked, snake bit, persecuted, put in prison and went through so much yet he remained steadfast in his work spreading the gospel. He remained focused no matter where he was or what his circumstances were. He did what he could to spread the good news from wherever he was at.

If you were in prison like Paul what kind of letter would you write, and who would you write it to?
Most people would write a letter to the person they felt would be able to get them released the fastest. Paul, however, showed no concern for himself at all in his writing, but rather concern for the continued spread of the gospel, the church he planted in Philippi, and it's congregation. I can imagine the letters some people would right had they been in Paul's situation. I feel certain many would have written about being in prison, where the cell was very small, the guards were mistreating them, they were starving from lack of food, thirsting to death from lack of water, not allowed outside the cell at all, and how they were losing their mind. The words "you have got to get me out of here now" would more than likely appear somewhere in the letter, but the way Paul saw it,  all things work together for good to them that love God (Romans 8:28 KJV), including his imprisonment.

I would like to encourage you to be more like Paul in your thinking, and your dedication to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. There can never be to many witnesses for Christ in the world, so like Paul remain dedicated, and steadfast in your efforts as a Christian to spread the good news of God's word and His precious gift of salvation.  Don't make excuses that you can't get out and witness because of this or that, and remember there are many ways in which to be a witness.  Paul continued in his work to spread the gospel from prison, so I feel confident you can spread the good news, one way or another, from right where you are. Like Paul, let's look on the bright side of things, and experience the joy, peace, and contentment that God wants us to have, and let's do so from wherever we're at.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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