Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Good Medicine

Proverbs 17:22 (KJV) Says "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." In other words a cheerful mind is revitalizing to the entire person.

Our thoughts are very powerful, and they play a huge roll in how we feel emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Satan loves to put thoughts in our head that are nothing more than lies, and when we believe these lies he is elated. Maybe you lost your job for instance and  have been searching for a new one for quite a while to no avail. You've managed to remain upbeat and hopeful for a time, but then you begin having thoughts like "I'll never find a job," "I'm getting old, who's going to hire me?" "There are no jobs to be had." If you find yourself thinking this way, know this, these are all lies that Satan has put in your head, and there is not an ounce of truth to any of them. When you are living your life in a Godly manner, and are patient with Him, God will see to it that you find a job. If you do your part in seeking employment, it is certain that God will do his. If you are upbeat and positive in an attempt to achieve something, you can rest assured that Satan is going to start lying to you. Don't believe any of it, press forward thinking positive thoughts knowing that God is on your side. Rebuke Satan, and continue praying knowing that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. (Philippians 4:13 KJV)

Maybe you had someone break-up with you recently, or you went through a divorce petitioned for by your spouse. These are horrible forms of rejection. You loved someone deeply, opened up to them with your most private thoughts, shared years of your life with them only to hear them say one day I don't love you anymore. I don't want you anymore. This causes intense pain, leaves you feeling extremely vulnerable, and opens the door for Satan to start feeding you lies. You may begin thinking things like "I don't blame them who could love me," "I'll never meet anyone else," "I'm a failure," "I'm to old to start over," and "who would want me?" Recognize these thoughts for what they are; nothing more than lies from Satan. Rebuke Satan along with his lies, and  replace those thoughts with positive ones. You are special, you are a child of God, he loves you tremendously, and he will never leave you or forsake you. If you are lonely pray about it, and God will send someone into your life that loves you for who you are, and treats you the way you deserve to be treated. You may discover that you don't want another relationship, and that is fine as well, because you can be perfectly happy alone. Either way don't allow Satan's lies to cause you to question your self-worth just because someone you loved decided they didn't love you anymore.

Listed above are a couple of scenarios that leave us in a vulnerable state of mind, but no matter what the scenario, don't give in to Satan and allow his lies to overtake your thoughts and run rampant in your mind. If you do, those thoughts will consume you, and land you in a state of depression. Then before you know it you begin to isolate yourself from others. Once this happens, and Satan has you where he wants you he can continue to pull you down further, and further. With depression and isolation comes fatigue,  lack of interest in anything, and a complete lack of motivation. Maybe you are so depressed you choose to go to bed, and just sleep away the pain. If you do this, you are allowing Satan to pull you down a little bit further. Once you're in the bed with depression you'll more than likely lay there all day replaying all the lies Satan told you over and over in your mind. This will serve to increase the severity of your depression, and allow Satan to drag you down further still. Now that you're emotionally and spiritually empty, Satan can move forward with his plans for you, which are working great thus far. In the next phase of your depression, you begin to develop physical pains, and other health issues. Now you've developed back pain, headaches, neck pain, a cold, and or any other host of ailments from minor to major that have decided to launch an attack on you while you're in this vulnerable position. At this point, Satan's got you in the basement. As the above scripture tells us a merry heart works like a medicine for our entire body, and a broken spirit works the polar opposite.

Don't let a situation depress you to the degree that you become emotionally, spiritually, and physically ill. Don't let Satan drag you all the way to the basement. The moment you begin to have a negative thought rebuke Satan and his lies, and replace the lies with the truth and promises of God's word. Remember who you are in Christ, and move forward in your life with positive thoughts, and a cheerful heart knowing that doing so is healing to your mind and your entire body like a good medicine.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you.

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