Thursday, January 5, 2012

Pick up the Mantle

In 2 Kings Chapter 2:9-13 Elijah the prophet asks Elisha if there is anything he can do for him prior   to his being taken up into heaven. Elisha had traveled with him and had witnessed the good life and good works that he had done, so he responds by saying that he would like a double portion of Elijah's Spirit. Elijah tells him that will be difficult, but that if  Elisha sees him when he is taken up to heaven then it will be so. Elisha sees the ascension and watches as Elijah drops his mantle on his way up. He immediately picks up the mantle and recieves a double portion of Elijah's Spirit.

How many of us have had an Elijah in our life? Do you have a loved one that before passing on set a wonderful Christian example for you? A person who's actions and way of life had the light of the Lord shining through everything they did? I had my grandmother, Annie Mitchell. She was  a great woman, who had a tremendous love for God. I saw it in everything she did. This is a woman who taught me by example that there is good in everyone, and that we are all God's children. My grandmother helped so many people in her life, whether taking care of the sick, taking people into her home during their times of financial trouble, feeding anyone that was hungry, praying for people, listening to anyone who felt they needed to talk, and the list goes on and on. Her faith was evident in her works.

If like me you did have someone in your life that demonstrated such a great love for  God through their works, and they have gone home to be with the Lord did you pick up their mantle? Or did you just walk around it or step over it? If you have't already, then  I encourage you today to pick it up, and to carry on in the manner you were shown. The world needs every Christian out there to demonstrate God's love through their actions, and we are called to do so as the Bible tells us in James 2:17 that faith without works is dead.

If you have a prayer request leave me a message and I will be more than glad to pray for you. May God bless you.


  1. I feel a shout in my Spirit and a dance in my feet. I needed to see this today.

  2. Great message! Loved me some Granny! and in James he shares so much we need to daily live out! So when I read faith without works is dead I ask myself - is dead faith really faith?! I also answer myself (because you know me!) - it is NOT faith at all! If you do not have works you really need to talk to God about your salvation! Thanks for sharing! I'll keep reading!

    1. Thank you so much, she loved you too, and she told me so many times. I agree with your comments regarding faith,and you made me smile with "because you know me" (too funny)I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog, and I appreciate your feedback. Love, Darlene

  3. Awesome post!! I try and remind myself of this very lesson every day. Love you!!

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