Friday, January 20, 2012

The Smallest Member

The tongue is the smallest member of the body, yet it can get us in the most trouble. Psalm 34:13 (KJV) says keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile. I Peter 3:10 (KJV) states he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips from speaking guile. Proverbs 34:13 (KJV) instructs us to keep our tongue from evil, and our lips from speaking guile. We are reminded quite a few times in scripture to have control over our tongues, and of what great power the tongue holds.

Telling lies is one way that you can get yourself in trouble with your tongue. When you tell one lie it inevitably turns into more lies, and the issues that develop and the problems that occur, secondary to the lies, continue to multiply. We can avoid this chaos simply by telling the truth. The truth never changes, and you don't have to worry that you're going to slip up, and get caught telling it.

Have you ever been guilty of being angry or aggitated, and blurting something out spontaneously only to regret it instantly? I know I have. When we find ourselves in situations that upset, and frustrate us, we need to take a moment to calm down, and think before we speak. If we respond to someone while we are angry, upset, or frustrated, most times we wind up saying things we don't truly mean, getting off topic, causing a minor disagreement to escalate into a large one, and hurting the feelings of the person we are addressing.

Other areas the tongue can wreak havoc in are the mind, and spirit. If you walk around speaking negativity, then that is also damaging. It is toxic to you, and to those around you. Have you ever been around someone who is negative about everything? Their mere presence can drain the energy from a room, and destroy the pleasant mood you were in just minutes before. On the other hand an individual with an upbeat, positive attitude, can bring cheer, and life to a room. When you are around someone like this even their smile is contagious. The power in what we speak can and does have a tremendous bearing on every aspect of our lives.

If you are a person who uses their tongue for cursing, negativity, and speaking doom and gloom,  then let me challenge you instead to speak positive thoughts, blessings, and encouragemnt. When you choose to do this, you will notice a major difference in your life, not only in the way you feel, but in the way that others interact with you.

Decide today that you are going to count your blessings, and walk in a Christian spirit of joy. If this doesn't come easily for you, then come up with a catch phrase you can repeat to yourself throughout the day that will help remind you of the change you are making in your attitude, and how wonderful the results of doing so are going to be. "I'm special, and God loves me," or "Jesus loves me." "I'm walking in love," or "I've got Jesus."Whatever phrase works for you. It may take a while, but if you stick to it before long "praise God" you won't just be saying it, you'll be living it. God loves us, and He wants us to live a joyful lives.

Smile, speak kind words, and encourage others in the Lord. When you do, you'll find that you are  much happier with your own life, and that the people who use to avoid you are now drawn to you.

If you have a prayer request, leave me a message, and I will be more than happy to pray for you. May God bless you!

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