Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Lesson in Gratitude

In John Chapter 9:1-3 (KJV) Jesus and his disciples come upon a man who has been blind since birth. His disciples ask Him Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents that he was born blind? Jesus answered  neither the man or his parents, but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. Jesus goes on in later verses to cure the man of his blindness. The miracle Jesus performed in curing the man's blindness was a powerful testimony of God's existence, and his awesome power.

 In John Chapter 9 (KJV) Jesus explains that this man was born blind in order for God's work to be shown through him, as it was. in the miracle of  Jesus curing his blindness. It is not meant for us to know the reasons behind everything God does, or why certain things are as they are, but in some instances I think that we are being humbly taught a lesson.

 I believe God puts some people in our path so that we might learn from them. One example that comes to mind for me, is a student my sister had in her classroom. My sister worked with special needs children, at a local high school for many years. One day a young man was having difficulty grasping a mental task, that was being carefully explained by another teacher. Meanwhile, my sister was ask by another student, who was sitting in a wheelchair near the young man having difficulty, to lean down so she could tell her something. This student was wheel chair bound due to cerebral palsy.  My sister leaned down, and the young lady whispered that she thanked God everyday for not  having any problems with her brain. Okay talk about a lesson in gratitude.This wheelchair bound young lady was thanking God everyday that her brain functioned normally. This story should remind all who hear it to thank God for the many things they have taken for granted.

What a special young lady, and what a special message. Although I don't have the answer as to why she was born with cerebral palsy, there is one thing I do know, and that is from that wheelchair she taught a powerful lesson that day.  When was the last time you thanked God for the things he's given you? When was the last time you truly counted your blessings? Did you over look any?

If you have a prayer request leave me a message, and I will be happy to pray for you. May God bless you!


  1. Wonderful!! My student made me cry that day with her loving and grateful spirit and you have brought tears to my eyes again with this reminder. It was indeed a great lesson in gratitude!! Love you!!

  2. Thank you...That story really touched me, when you told it. Love you too!!

  3. Talk about making a person take a moral inventory. I am so thankful for your insight and encouragement through all that you do.

  4. We all need to be reminded daily of this, especially in times of sickness and death. As always, a great Word!

    1. Thank you for the kind words, and yes as human beings we all definitely need to remind ourselves of how blessed we are and praise God for it!
