Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Trials and Tribulations

We all experience peaks and valleys in our lives, and the valleys  can be very difficult to endure. Life's trials and tribulations can leave you feeling hopeless, and in a state of despair.  Maybe you are going through a difficult period, and feel as though you can't make it out of the valley that you're in. Maybe you are at a place where you feel there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Many people are facing financial hardship these days, many are suffering a broken heart because of a failed relationship, some have health problems, many are homeless, some are facing family problems, some are dealing with the loss of a loved one, and the list goes on and on.

Lamentations 3:21-25 tells us that the Lord is merciful, and to put our hope in Him. This scripture tells us that the Lord's compassion fails not and that it is new every morning. It tells us that He is good to those who seek, and wait on Him.  First Peter 5:7 instructs us to cast all of our cares upon the Lord, and tells us  that He cares for us. Psalm 46:1 says that God is our refuge and strength in times of trouble.

If you are going through a difficult period in your life, and are currently in a valley, then I encourage you to seek the Lord. Go to Him in prayer, cast all of your cares upon Him, remembering that He is gracious, loving, and merciful. Stay steadfast in your faith knowing  that God's compassion never fails, and that it is new every morning. Put your hope in the Lord and wait on Him, and He will lead you out of your valley.

If you have a prayer request and would like me to pray for you, leave me a message and I will be more than happy to do so. May God bless you!


  1. Good Stuff Darlene, well said and gives me something to think about. Sometimes you read something that you normally would not and it always seems to be talking directly to you.

    1. Thank you so much, that's awesome to hear. I write what God puts on my heart, so he deserves all the glory. The way he works is truly amazing!

  2. This was so good Darlene, and what a great feeling when you do give it all to God. As the song says "What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer.". Tracey is so right. God does have a way of putting things like this in our path when we most need to hear them. Proof that he takes care of us all the time!!

  3. Thank you so much, and yes it is a wonderful feeling to know that we can take everything to God in prayer.
    His timing is truly amazing! How awesome it is to know that he is always there for us and he loves us so deeply.
